Wednesday, May 18, 2011

i heart reading vol. 2: vampy edition

I love love LOVE this series. Charlaine Harris always manages to mix humor and suspense with just the right touch. This is the 10th book in the series and it was just as good as the rest, in my opinion. I enjoyed it and read it pretty quickly! The 11th book just came out last week and I have it waiting in my stack of books to read!

This is what I'm currently reading, since the 11th Sookie Stackhouse book wasn't out yet when I finished the 10th a couple of weeks ago, so I picked this up in the meantime. I decided to keep with the vampy theme and read this Meg Cabot book that came out last year. For those of you that aren't familiar with her, she writes teen and adult fiction. This is her latest adult fiction book and it's sequel comes out later this summer. I'm thoroughly enjoying this book and am torn between wanting to read it all the time because it's so good and wanting to savor it and read it slowly!

This would be the 11th Sookie Stackhouse book!! Can't wait to get to it next!!

I mentioned that I had started this in the last i heart reading post, and I've since finished it...hands down one of the BEST books I've ever read. Jen Hatmaker is hilarious and encouraging and inspiring. If you've ever read (or heard of) Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge, it's along the same lines, but EVEN BETTER. I highly recommend it!!

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